New Year! New Opportunities!

With a New Year comes lots of new opportunities. New companies looking for new hires, new talent looking for new ventures. New resolutions to go after your dream career and land the golden opportunities with a six figure salary. So just how do you land that brand new opportunity this year:
1. Identify Your Talent
Ask yourself this question, who am I and what am I really good at doing? Can you identify who you actually are, what drives you, what specific type of skills you possess that makes you a unique and outstanding professional? Whether your great with People, Processes or Product, you possess skills that align with a particular field and those are the people you need to meet to get you connected with the right opportunities.
2. Follow Your Passion
What do you love to do? This is the thing that drives you to get up in the mornings even when there is 4 feet of snow on the ground. You get excited to go to work because it motivates you to keep coming back everyday. You are able to utilize and express your talents and skills doing what you love the most. Your calling ignites your passion and connects you to your purpose. When these three are in sync it provides the perfect harmony for a long stable and fulfilling career.
3. Have a Plan
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Everything you do should start and end with a plan in mind. Ask yourself how do I connect my incredible talent with my passion and purpose? What are my steps and how do I get there successfully? There are specific things that you will need to do in order to get you to that dream career opportunity. Whether it's applying for college, a training institute, learning to code, understanding business process and procedures, working with people. Outlining your goals and setting a plan of action in place to achieve them will take you exactly where you need to be. Give yourself enough room and opportunity to learn and grown as a professional.
4. Know and Show Your Value
Your gifts, talent, skills and time are worth a tremendous amount of money depending on what your great at doing. There is a price tag attached to everything so figure out what that specific number is for you. Whether your seeking coins, paper, stacks, bags or checks you know exactly how much dinero you need to survive in 2019. Learn the art of negotiation. We recommend having a financial plan in place, completing an expense sheet, know your debt to income ratio, credit scores, savings as well as future purchases.
5. Accept no less than the best
So when opportunities arise and it's time to say deal or no deal you will now be prepared to accept nothing less than the best in 2019. You now know who you are, what you can offer and whats your worth. 2019 may be your year to make a change, take on a new challenge and embark on a career that fuels your soul and passion. You may land your dream job or you may be your own boss. #LetsGoToWork!